Potential Sale Of Land Near Batoche Worries Metis

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 at 13:35



A Metis activist says he can’t believe some traditional lands near Batoche could be sold in a provincial land sale.


John Hanikenne heads up a group working to preserve a section of the Nisbet forest near the historical landmark.


For years, he has argued that ground is traditional Metis territory and needs to be protected from environmental damage.


Hannikenne worries new owners could decide to keep Metis off the area for good.


He says he only found out by accident that parts of it are up for sale through the province’s 1.6 million acre sale.


Hanikenne says he feels time is running out, since the sale is set to conclude on November 18th.


A director with the province’s lands branch insists the upcoming sale is nothing out of the ordinary.


Gloria Parisien says the only difference between this sale and any other one is the discount being offered.


She says individuals leasing land within this particular area have always been free to purchase it from the government.