People With Chronic Conditions Helping Others

Friday, October 31, 2008 at 14:15



Nineteen Aboriginal people from Saskatoon and Yorkton who are living with chronic conditions are teaching others how to live healthy lifestyles with their conditions.


Erika Okemaysim is one of the leaders of the Aboriginal Live Well with Chronic Conditions program with the Saskatoon Health Region.


Fourteen years ago, Okemaysim needed a liver transplant after being addicted to over-the-counter medications.


She says it has taught her to value her life a lot more.


Okemaysim says she tells others about how easy it is to become addicted, and what medications can do to the body.


Through this program, peer leaders learn how to self-manage their own medical conditions — and then teach others how to do the same.


Organizers hope it can be expanded to all parts of the province, because it is free and makes people take responsibility for their own health.