PBCN Pitches Expansion Of Hydroelectric Power

Thursday, October 15, 2009 at 14:12



The Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation is looking to partner with the provincial government to expand hydroelectric power in the northeast part of the province.


Representatives from PBCN spoke earlier today at the Standing Committee on Crown and Central Agencies public consultation meeting in La Ronge.


Peter Ballantyne executive director Ben Merasty said the band believes that now is the time to take a proactive approach to hydro development along the Churchill River.


Merasty said the band has a $70 million plan to expand the capacity of the Island Falls dam.


He added PBCN officials believe they could develop an additional 200 megawatts of power on the Churchill-Reindeer water system without creating any further environmental damage along any existing waterways, because of the presence of the existing Island Falls and White Sand hydro stations.


Government officials said the band’s eagerness to move forward is welcome, and SaskPower will definitely look into possibly entering into a relationship with PBCN in the future.