PBCN Chief Defends Decision on Tax Rebate
Friday, July 16, 2004 at 13:23
Peter Ballantyne chief Ron Michel is defending the band’s decision to allocate most of its recent tax settlement with the province towards an emergency fund.
Michel and his council have been under fire for deciding to use the money to pay some outstanding bills and to replenish the band’s emergency fund.
Most of the 2.8-million dollar settlement has been divided between 3 communities — Pelican Narrows, Southend and Deschambault Lake.
Michel says most councillors felt taking care of the emergency needs of band members was the right thing to do.
Having said that, Michel says community members in Pelican Narrows still has to decide what to with roughly half-a-million dollars that’s left over.
Michel says a questionnaire will likely be distributed to band members from Pelican Narrows early next month.