PAGC Holds Day of Action Celebration

Friday, June 29, 2007 at 17:26



The Prince Albert Grand Council staged a march today throughout the city.


Band members and other supporters walked from the PAGC Complex to City Hall.


Chief Darryl McCallum of the Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation explains today’s demonstrations throughout the province are peaceful.


He notes political institutions like the FSIN, are a key reason why protests here don’t turn violent.


Meantime, 4 chiefs from the James Smith Cree Nation area held a press conference today, where they discussed the issue of land claims.


Chief Gerald Whitehead of the Peter Chapman Band says his people are tired of living on land that isn’t their own.


He wants Indian Affairs to give his people back the land that was taken from them decades ago.


Whitehead explains the Peter Chapman band has been forced to live on the James Smith reserve because they have no place to go.