Onion Lake Cree Immersion Experts Visit La Ronge
Friday, April 11, 2008 at 14:27
Work has begun towards bringing Cree immersion to Bell’s Point Elementary School in La Ronge.
Yesterday, representatives from Onion Lake were in the community to share their experiences in Cree immersion, since their local school has recently begun to offer the curriculum to their students.
Minnie McKenzie, the project coordinator for the Lac La Ronge Indian Band, hopes this program will bring back traditions that have slowly been diminishing over the generations.
McKenzie says the band still has a lot of Cree speakers, especially over the age of 30.
She hopes more children will be able to understand their grandparents as a result of this project.
McKenzie is also hoping to have a scaled-down version of the project in place at Bell’s Point by next year.