NRT Accused of Unfair Labour Practice

Wednesday, November 26, 2003 at 13:05



A union is accusing Northern Resource Trucking of unfair labour practice.


The Canadian Industrial Relations Board served NRT with the complaint on Friday on behalf of the Teamsters, which represents 27 of the contractors that do work for NRT.


A number of these truckers are either based in Northern Saskatchewan or originally hail from the North.


They’ve been negotiating a collective bargaining agreement with NRT for just over a year now.


The industrial relations board has given the company 15 days to respond to the union’s allegations. Following that, the union has 10 days to respond to NRT’s defence.


From there, the board will decide if there is any merit to the union’s complaint, and may order a hearing.


The next scheduled bargaining session between NRT and the union is scheduled to take place on December 15th and 16th.


The truckers represented by the Teamsters are the only unionized contractors that do work for NRT. It was just last year that the board ruled the contractors were eligible to be certified. A CBA would be a first for both the truckers and NRT.