Northerners To Give Input On Road Issues

Tuesday, June 23, 2009 at 12:09



A new northern transportation committee has been struck to advise the government on its roads strategy.


Creighton mayor Bruce Fidler is the chair of the group.


He says officials from the Prince Albert Grand Council and Meadow Lake Tribal Council will sit on the committee, along with representatives from New North, Tourism Saskatchewan and several industry groups.


The committee held its first meeting Monday in Prince Albert.


Fidler says the meeting was a good first step toward hearing everyone’s concerns about northern transportation.


Fidler says he knows a lot of attention will likely be paid to economic corridors that run throughout northern Saskatchewan.


But he says it’s important that emphasis be placed on community access roads as well.


Fidler says the committee’s next meeting is set for July 22.


The government says it hopes to develop a policy framework in time for the 2010-2011 budget.