Northerners Still Waiting for Treatment Centre

Friday, October 22, 2004 at 14:53



The Liberal leader for the province says Prince Albert should play a bigger part in delivering health care to northern Saskatchewan.


David Karwacki isn’t happy with the government’s treatment of the Ken Fyke report.


It was two years ago that the paper, which analyzed medicare in the province and made recommendations, was released with much fanfare.


However, Karwacki says little has been done to implement many of the recommendations — one of which stated Prince Albert should host a tertiary care centre that could cater to northerners needing specialized treatment.


Karwacki says many First Nations residents would benefit from the move, as well as nurses and doctors.


The Liberal leader adds the northern population is only going to get larger, so delaying the recommendations in the Fyke report will be damaging in the long run.