Northern Teens Enjoying U of S Campus Experience

Thursday, December 11, 2008 at 14:59



Some high school students from Cumberland House are becoming very familiar with the University of Saskatchewan.


They’ve spent the past couple of days at the university’s campus in Saskatoon.


The U of S is hoping the students will want to attend the school and take the sciences if they are shown the different departments.


Rayne Bo Favel is in Grade 10 and now knows her way around much of campus.


She says after visiting the College of Medicine, she now knows what classes she needs to do well in if she’s to pursue her dream of becoming a doctor.


Favel also says she knows who to turn to on campus if she needs help.


The students also visited the geology department where they did an experiment, and heard from an engineering student originally from their hometown.


Grade 9 student Kato Carriere wasn’t really looking forward to the field trip, but has since changed his mind.


He says the experience has been “exciting”, and now he doesn’t want to leave.


Carriere says he’s also more familiar with how to get around campus, and hopes he will attend the U of S when he graduates high school.


Students from La Ronge are visiting the campus today.