Northern Mayors Blindsided By Government Plan

Wednesday, February 04, 2009 at 13:07



The chair of New North and mayor of La Loche says the government needs to listen to and consult with northern leaders before making decisions regarding the north.


Georgina Jolibois says she just learned this morning at the annual Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association convention in Saskatoon of a new initiative in the north in which northern mayors were never consulted.


She says it would have been nice if the government had spoken with northern leaders first about the creation of regional economic development associations.


Jolibois says another concern of northern leaders is that infrastructure funding, once it reaches them, is inadequate.


However, she says she’s been assured by the premier that some of the $100 million in funding announced on Monday will flow directly to northern municipalities.


Jolibois says the municipalities are looking at setting up new garbage dumps in each of their regions — and she says improving sewage and water treatment, roads and housing are always priorities.