Northern Health Regions Not Affected By Strike
Wednesday, July 04, 2007 at 14:41
Service delivery in Northern Saskatchewan appears to be largely unaffected by the strike so far.
Both C.E.O.’s of the Mamawetan Churchill River Regional Health Authority and Athabasca Health Authority say there have been no service cutbacks due to the job action so far.
The same goes for the Keewatin-Yatthe Health Region where officials report things are also running normally.
To date the largest areas affected continue to be Saskatoon and Regina however all the regions say they will continue to monitor the situation.
Meantime, the Prince Albert Parkland Health Region has reported losing one employee as a result of the job action taken by the Health Sciences Association of Saskatchewan.
CEO Cecile Hunt says the problem gambling service has been suspended.
Hunt also said as a result of the talks, services at the Pineview Youth Treatment Center were also suspended and all clients were discharged from the 6 bed facility last Thursday.