North Not Immune To Risk Of Spring Flooding
Wednesday, March 07, 2007 at 15:20
Several central and northern communities in the province could be facing a serious spring run-off problem in the coming months, including flooding.
Saskatchewan Watershed Authority spokesman Doug Johnson says because of the large amount of snowfall that has blanketed most of the province, we can expect above-average run-off this spring for the north and central areas.
Johnson notes a number of communities situated near rivers — such as the Red Earth Cree Nation, which experienced a flood last summer — are already in the process of preparing for the flood potential.
Johnson says the watershed authority is also keeping a close eye on the situation developing north of the provincial grainbelt. He adds there is a high potential for runoff in the Prince Albert area and all the way up to La Ronge.
He also says his group is continually monitoring the forecasted spring run-off conditions, and communities will be kept up-to-date on a regular basis.