New Truth Commissioners Officially Sworn In

Thursday, July 16, 2009 at 14:22



The beleaguered Truth and Reconciliation Commission is formally welcoming its three new commissioners today at a swearing-in ceremony in Quebec.


It has been a long road back for the commission, which suffered lengthy delays after infighting broke out among its three former commissioners.


However, Indian Affairs Minister Chuck Strahl has said the rules on how the commission will work have been laid out to the new recruits.


They include Manitoba judge Murray Sinclair, who will be the group’s chair.


His decisions will be final — although he has already said he will try to gain consensus with his fellow commissioners as much as possible.


The others are a former AFN regional chief from Alberta — Willie Littlechild — and Marie Wilson of the Northwest Territories.


Assembly of First Nations chief Phil Fontaine is in attendance at today’s ceremony.