New National Aboriginal Group Established

Friday, July 14, 2006 at 15:43



A new national Aboriginal group is attempting to spread it’s wings across Canada.


The Confederation of Aboriginal People of Canada was officially launched this week.


The group calls itself the first Aboriginal government in the country and has an ambitious agenda.


Grand Chief of the group, Guillaume Carle says the confederation was created after a number of Chiefs and off-reserve residents said existing Aboriginal groups did not accurately represent them.


On the groups press release, it says its ultimate goal is to establish a Canadian sovereign Aboriginal government that will support off-reserve Aboriginal people.


Carle says his group will work with the Assembly of First Nations to make this happen.


Carle says his group differs from the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples in that it is more democratically-centered and more inclusive.


His next step is to try and convince Ottawa that they should receive funding.