New MNS Election Closer To Becoming Reality
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 at 13:20
Assurances are being given that a new Metis election will take place in Saskatchewan next year.
Marilyn Poitras, the head of a committee designed to ensure a new vote is fairly held, says her group will talk with government officials in a couple of weeks.
She says among the proposals is a suggestion that her group oversee the election from start to finish. Under that proposal, the committee would handle everything from the vote itself to the complaints process. She says it would then present a report at the conclusion to explain why it feels the election results are sound.
Poitras adds money is always a concern, but she is confident the provincial government will come through when the time comes.
She’s also optimistic there will be enough resources to ensure voting booths across the province are properly manned to avoid any questions about the vote’s integrity.
Poitras says her group will hold informational meetings across the province once everything has been hammered out.