New Metis Organization Hopes to Force New Vote

Wednesday, November 03, 2004 at 14:08



A new group calling itself the Provisional Metis Council is hoping to assemble enough grassroots support to force a new Metis election in Saskatchewan.


The organization was formed at a rally in Prince Albert this past weekend and has already been registered as a non-profit corporation.


Spokesman Alex Maurice promises the group will be transparent and accountable.


Maurice says the new group’s immediate challenge is to gain the trust of both the federal and provincial governments in the wake of this week’s damning report into Metis electoral practices.


Maurice points out that Metis Relations Minister Maynard Sonntag says only the Metis people can force an election, and Maurice is hoping this new group can organize that election call.


Metis Nation of Saskatchewan president Dwayne Roth says there will not be another election or any resignations by members of the MNS executive.


The MNS Provincial Metis Council has voted to launch a defamation lawsuit against Keith Lampard, the author of the investigation into this year’s election.