NDP Leadership Hopefuls Discuss Alternative Energy

Wednesday, April 15, 2009 at 14:26



Three candidates for the leadership of the provincial NDP agree that the party needs to make some changes.


Yens Pederson, Ryan Meili and Deb Higgins were in La Ronge last night speaking at a public forum about what they believe they have to offer the party and the province.


All three agreed that it is time for the province to begin looking at alternative energy sources.


But Meili says the social environment of many northern communities also needs to be looked at.


Pederson says that it is time to start funding initiatives aimed at addressing social problems.


Higgins says the party may have lost touch with the public, and it is time to get that back by meeting and talking with people where they live.


The other candidate in the running, Dwain Lingenfelter, was unable to attend — but will be in La Ronge later in the month.