Natural Gas Work Begins North Of Montreal Lake
Friday, March 09, 2007 at 17:13
The President and CEO of SaskEnergy says La Ronge and area, as well as the community of Weyakwin, can expect to have their natural gas hooked up by next spring.
Doug Kelln made the announcement in La Ronge yesterday.
Kelln says after nearly 10 years of work, natural gas will finally be installed to the northern communities.
Several local, provincial, and industry officials were on hand for announcement including Lac La Ronge Indian Band Chief Tammy Cook Searson, who says the creation of this pipeline will not only save money for the band but also create a number of job opportunities for members.
Close to 800 homeowners, businesses as well as the Lac La Ronge Indian Band have signed up for the service.
The total cost of extending pipelines from the current northern limit of Montreal Lake is 20.8 million dollars.
Work is expected to begin along Highway 2, north of Montreal Lake by August.