Nashacappo’s Mother Speaks About Ordeal

Friday, January 09, 2009 at 13:00



A murder victim’s mother says it’s difficult to come to court, but she wants to do it for her daughter.


Betty Anne Smith has attended the first five days of the Saskatoon murder trial of the man accused of killing her 21-year-old daughter, Victoria Nashacappo.


Smith says not a day goes by where she doesn’t think about her daughter, and she still remembers exactly how many years, months and days it took to find her body.


Nashacappo went missing September 25, 2002, but was found in June 2006 when the suspected killer allegedly led police to her body..


Smith says it has been a hard journey losing her daughter and initially not knowing where she was — but she is thankful Nashacappo was found and there can be some kind of closure.


59-year-old Brian Casement is charged with first degree murder.


The Crown believes he picked up Nashacappo for sex, that she changed her mind, and that he then raped and killed her.


The murder trial is expected to last three weeks — and Smith is pledging to be present every day of the proceedings.