Nanatakapo Explains Careless Firearm Charges

Monday, March 09, 2009 at 13:23



A northern land-user says he’s hoping to gets his guns back once he’s dealt with accusations he carelessly used a firearm.


Victor Nanatakapo was charged with the offense in May of last year.


He acknowledges he fired a shot near some boaters who were on the lake.


However he says he was merely trying to protect an ancient burial ground that was repeatedly being disturbed by ATV tracks.


He also contends that someone cut the net he fishes with, agitating his way of life.


Nanatakapo says he’s still upset about the way the land is being treated by some people.


However he hopes the fuss dies down once his court case has been concluded.


Nanatakapo was supposed to speak to the charge last week.


However the hearing was adjourned to May 4th while the court locates a new interpreter.