Muskoday Trying To Cope With Flooding
Tuesday, July 31, 2007 at 15:39
The Muskoday First Nation is dealing with flooding for the second year in a row.
Band spokesman Herman Crane says the water this year is a lot higher than it was the previous year, and some band members are feeling the effects of that.
Crane says a lot of basements are flooded, adding two sump pumps are needed in some homes to keep up with the rising water.
He says it is getting to be a “very big problem”, and it’s proving to be costly, too.
Crane adds the situation could still get a lot worse.
The flooding has caused the cancellation of the band’s annual pow wow, which was slated for this coming weekend.
Crane notes the flooding prompted the band to move the pow wow onto drier land last year — but this year, he says there is simply no room to do that.
He also says the way the land is situated, flooding is becoming a costly hassle for the band and new strategies need to be thought up to prevent the flooding from occurring every spring.