Muskeg Lake Band Member Awarded Volunteer Medal

Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 15:06



A well-known contributor to the Kikinahk Friendship Centre in La Ronge is being honoured by the provincial government.


On April 28th, Mary Heimbecker will be in Regina to receive the Saskatchewan Volunteer Medal.


Heimbecker is a member of the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation, but lived in La Ronge for 14 years during which time she served on many boards and committees.


She helped establish a kitchen for the friendship centre — part of the reason why the facility’s restaurant was named after her.


Heimbecker also served on a northern cross-cultural awareness committee.


The issue of race relations is a sensitive one to her, as she feels too many problems in our society are currently being tackled on a single-group approach.


Heimbecker and her husband now call Saskatoon home and are actively involved in the city’s arts community.


She currently serves as an elder to the Saskatchewan Native Theatre Company.