Multi-Party Training Plan Gets Five More Years
Thursday, October 08, 2009 at 13:45
A five-year agreement to help create mining sector training and employment opportunities for northerners was signed today in La Ronge.
The agreement ushers in the fourth phase of the Multi-Party Training Plan, which began 15 years ago as a way to increase northern participation in the mining industry.
Under the agreement, mining companies — such as uranium giants AREVA and Cameco, and gold producer Claude Resources — work with northern and Aboriginal training institutions to train and then hire northerners to work in their operations.
Over the last five years, there have been more than 1,500 training enrollments through the MPTP.
This year, the partners are contributing $12.7-million, with nearly half coming from the three mining companies, and the rest contributed by the province, Northlands College and several Metis and First Nations agencies.