MP Harrison Claims Post Office Closures on Horizon
Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 13:13
According to Missinipi Desnethe Churchill River MP Jeremy Harrison, Canada Post is preparing to close 15 post offices in the northern Saskatchewan riding.
Harrison is accusing Canada Post and the Liberal party of having a hidden agenda and says both view delivering mail to the remote communities as a burden.
Harrison fears the loss of 15 post offices will further isolate the northern residents. Furthermore, he feels it demonstrates the federal government doesnt care about the people living in the riding.
Harrision says he plans to fight any elimation of services.
Some of the communities Harrison says are at risk of losing postal outlets include, Candle Lake, Cole Bay, Canoe Narrows, Denare Beach, Patuantak, Stony Rapids, Uranium City, Waterhen Lake, and Weyakwin.
When contacted by MBC, Canada Post representatives were not immediately available for comment.