MP Calls For Inquiry On Missing, Murdered Women

Tuesday, October 06, 2009 at 14:37



There were more calls in the House of Commons yesterday for an investigation into the number of Aboriginal women who have gone missing or been murdered across Canada.


Liberal critic Anita Neville says the federal government isn’t doing enough to address the issue.


She says that while there were 71 vigils across the country on Sunday to remember the victims, the government merely issued a statement on the issue.


Neville pressed the matter in question period, but was told the government is already funding Sisters in Spirit, a five-year research project into the problem.


Neville says that’s all fine and good, but more needs to be done — now.


“Research, education, policy development is good, but that doesn’t obliterate the need for a full-scale inquiry, showing leadership from the government,” she says.


Neville says she and others have been calling on the government since May of last year to launch the inquiry.