Mother of Missing Girl Refutes FSIN Allegations

Friday, August 06, 2004 at 14:08



Several media outlets are reporting that the mother of Tamra Keepness says an FSIN official was mistaken when he told reporters this week that her children had been returned to the family just weeks before the 5-year-old Regina girl went missing.


Lorena Keepness admits that her family has had dealings with the provincial child and family services system, but says she regained custody of her children several months ago – not in June.


Earlier this week, Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations vice chief Guy Lonechild told reporters that Tamra and her 5 siblings had been returned to their parents just 2-and-a-half weeks prior to Tamra’s disappearance.


Lonechild did not divulge how he obtained this information, and has been unavailable for comment since Keepness made her comments yesterday afternoon.


The provincial government hasn’t commented on the matter because of privacy law.


Tamra has been missing since July 6th.