MN-S Taking Issue With New Oilsands Partnership

Monday, October 20, 2008 at 13:22



The Metis Nation – Saskatchewan is asking the province to intervene in a recently-signed oilsands deal in northwest Saskatchewan.


The MN-S maintains the joint venture and impact benefit agreement between Access Energy and a group called the La Loche Clearwater Development Authority isn’t legal.


According to Access Energy, the deal covers 3 million hectares of what it calls “La Loche traditional lands” north and west of La Loche.


But MN-S president Robert Doucette says the group the company signed the deal with has no authority or jurisdiction to negotiate an agreement on behalf of the Metis.


Doucette says he is notifying the company’s president that the MN-S has exclusive Metis consultation and accommodation rights to the area in question.


He is also asking First Nations and Metis Relations Minister June Draude about the validity of this deal, and to intervene if necessary.


Representatives of the company and the LLCDA have not been available for comment.