MN-S Seeks Citizen Input On Constitution

Thursday, August 13, 2009 at 14:15



The president of the Metis Nation – Saskatchewan is encouraging Metis citizens to give their opinions on the nation’s constitution.


There will be community meetings in all 12 regions over the next two months.


At those meetings, the MN-S will be asking for feedback on its constitution.


MN-S President Robert Doucette says part of the changes will involve moving legislative items into acts rather than the constitution, but says this exercise is mostly about what Metis people believe and want to see in the constitution.


“The most important aspect of this whole consitutional renewal is to engage Metis citizens on how they want their government to be in the future, the 21st century,” Doucette says.


He says the first set of changes will be presented in draft form at the 2010 Metis Nation Legislative Assembly.