Minister Wants Peacekeepers On Reserves Soon
Monday, May 25, 2009 at 16:32
Saskatchewan’s Justice minister says he hopes to establish a new training policy for First Nations peacekeepers within the next year.
Daryl Hickie says he is talking with the RCMP and the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations about the idea.
He notes some reserves already have police forces established, but their mandates differ.
Hickie says he believes peacekeepers could help reduce the workload for RCMP officers, giving them more time to focus on criminal matters.
These peacekeepers would be used as mediators and help resolve low-key concerns such as acts of civil disobedience and conflicts between neighbours, with the goal of preventing problems from escalating into bigger matters, Hickie says.
He says an inter-agency committee has been established to help kickstart the process.
Hickie having peacekeepers on-reserve would free up the RCMP to deal with Criminal Code violations, and reduce the backlog of work.
Hickie spoke from Ottawa, where he is currently meeting with federal Public Safety Minister Peter Van Loan.