Millions Set Aside To Train Northern Aboriginals

Friday, March 14, 2008 at 16:47



The federal and provincial governments, along with industry, have announced millions of dollars in new money to train Aboriginal people in northern Saskatchewan for long-term jobs in the resource sector.


Aboriginal leaders are calling this “a great day” and “a great announcement”.


Under the Northern Career Quest Partnership, Ottawa, the province and other stakeholders — including Aboriginal and industry partners — will provide a combined $33.1 million.


The money will go towards training 1,500 Aboriginal people in sectors like mining, oilsands recovery, and mineral, oil, and gas exploration.


Meadow Lake Tribal Council Vice-Chief Eric Sylvestre says there are currently seasonal jobs around his reserve, but still unemployment to contend with.


Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations Chief Lawrence Joseph says investment in skills training is the way to get Aboriginal less dependent on governments.


Joseph says people can’t always depend on social assistance.


An estimated 750 jobs will be created out of this training.


The Conservative candidate in Monday’s by-election in Desnethe-Missinippi-Churchill River says “this is a proud moment for myself, as a member of Stephen Harper’s team”.


Rob Clarke says investment like this “is exactly what we need”.