Mill Could Benefit From “Black Liquor” Subsidy

Friday, June 19, 2009 at 14:22



It appears a pulp mill in Meadow Lake could benefit from this week’s forestry announcement.


Ottawa is using $1 billion to help pulp and paper mills that use “black liquor” as an energy source.


Ed Roste, general manager of Meadow Lake Mechanical Pulp, explains that black liquor is made when wood chips are processed into pulp.


A substance is then formed which is similar to thick molasses. It’s fired in a kiln, where it can be used to drive a turbine and generate electricity.


Roste stresses that whatever money he can get out of the program won’t come in the form of a direct subsidy. Rather, the money will be used to upgrade energy and efficiency.


Roste says he is trying to contact the federal government to get more information.


He says the news is welcome, as American mills are already enjoying the benefits of a similar program funded by their own federal government.