Metis Welcome Quebec Nationhood Motion

Friday, December 01, 2006 at 15:44



The president of the Metis National Council says he is pleased to see the Quebecois are being recognized as a nation within Canada, but he wonders where the commitment is for his own people.


The MNC offered its support this week to the federal motion that recognizes the Quebecois as a nation within a united Canada.


Clem Chartier feels the move could also open the door to greater realization that the Metis also need to be recognized in words and deeds by the Tory government.


He notes a framework agreement between Ottawa and the Metis was established last year to get the ball rolling on the issue.


But he wants to see that move go one step farther, with the implementation of a Canada-Metis Nation Relations Act that he hopes would include provisions for self-government and transfer payments.


Chartier says that would allow the Metis to address issues facing their people throughout the country.


But he admits the minister responsible for the process, Jim Prentice, hasn’t shown much interest in seeing that happen.


Chartier says he hopes to meet with Prentice in the next several weeks.