Metis Vote To Hold Future Assemblies At Batoche

Wednesday, September 10, 2008 at 15:15



From now on, the Metis Nation Legislative Assembly will be held at Batoche rather than in Saskatoon.


The motion to move the MNLA was put forward by Doug Fiddler at yesterday’s annual general assembly in Saskatoon.


Fiddler argued the Metis Nation – Saskatchewan struggles to get quorum at its annual gatherings held in cities — but he added that never used to be a problem when the MNLA took place in Batoche.


While many delegates liked the idea of having the MNLA at Batoche, some, including Shirley Isbister, were concerned there aren’t proper facilities for everyone, especially the elders.


But elder Chris Perry stated that, as an older person, she would rather sleep in a tent at Batoche than in a hotel room in Saskatoon.


The motion was passed by a close vote.