Metis School Abuse Victims File Class Action Suit

Thursday, October 13, 2005 at 13:35



The lawyer who has launched a class action lawsuit on behalf of Metis survivors of residential schools estimates there are between 6,000 and 10,000 Metis people that could be represented by the claim.


Tony Merchant notes they probably only make up about five per cent of the residential school survivors still living.


Merchant says while Metis children were pressured by agencies like the department of Social Welfare to attend the schools, they usually complied on a voluntary basis — which will make his case more difficult to prove.


However, like Indian students, Merchant notes Metis children often endured sexual and physical abuse and an all-out assault on their culture and way of life — which is why he feels they will receive compensation.


Merchant also maintains that Metis were subjected to additional abuse not suffered by First Nations students, because Metis residents often found themselves isolated from the rest of the school population.