Metis Nation Hoping for Controversy-Free Election
Friday, April 23, 2004 at 18:41
The interim president of the Metis Nation of Saskatchewan says the organization is hoping to avoid another controversy over voters’ lists when it holds its elections next month.
Lorna Docken admits the issue plagued the last MNS elections held in 2001.
In fact, Docken initially lost the election for vice-president 3 years ago, but was subsequently declared the winner after several ballot boxes were thrown out because some voters were ruled ineligible.
Docken says in order to avoid a repeat of 2001 the MNS has decided that even if a person isn’t on a voters’ list, they can still vote on Election Day if they produce a Metis card and sign a form declaring that they are, in fact, Metis.
Docken says any Metis card issued after 1988 will do the trick, but she’s hoping Metis citizens will check with their Metis local beforehand to ensure they’re on the local voting list.
If anyone is having trouble getting on a voters’ list, they’re asked to contact the Metis Elections Commission at 953-0980.