Metis Group Looks For Support In Nisbit Forest

Wednesday, August 27, 2008 at 14:50



The president of the Metis Heartland Forest Group says he’s hoping to get more support from government when it comes to preserving the woods near Batoche.


John Hanikenne and his followers have been working for months now to restore sections of the nisbet forest to their natural beauty.


The metis resident says old fencing and litter are problems that need to be addressed for the good of the land.


Hanikenne says his group is happy to do the work but could use some funding.


Government spokeswoman Val Nicholson says a land use plan is being created for the area, adding that many of the Heartland Metis sit on an advisory committee to it and their feedback is being taken into consideration.


Public meetings on the subject will take place next week in Duck Lake, Saskatoon and Prince Albert.