Metis Fishers Waiting To Be Charged

Monday, February 23, 2009 at 14:53



The waiting game continues for a group of Saskatchewan Metis who travelled to Alberta this weekend to catch fish there.


Roughly 15 fishers lowered their nets into Gregoire Lake on Saturday afternoon to assert their harvesting rights, which they say extend past the Alberta border.


One of the people organizing the trip, Buffalo Narrows Metis local president Philip Chartier, says governments need to realize Metis rights supercede any provincial boundaries.


Chartier says he’s not sure if they will be charged by Alberta conservation officials.


He says some of the fishers left their names and phone numbers behind in case the Alberta government decides to charge them.


Chartier says he would welcome legal action, as the courts have typically moved the Metis rights agenda ahead faster than any political action.