Metis Elders Left Off Primrose Payment List

Wednesday, August 01, 2007 at 13:36



An NDP cabinet minister admits there are some Metis elders affected by the Primrose Lake Air Weapons Range who should be on a list for a government payment — but currently aren’t.


Buckley Belanger was in Beauval yesterday to help announce the province’s $4.5-million contribution to a $19.5-million package for four northwest Metis communities impacted by the creation of the weapons range in 1953.


Ottawa is providing the rest of the cash — but isn’t prepared to pay elders directly impacted by the range.


But the province is willing to give these elders a $10,000 “honours payment”.


There are currently about 110 elders and their families on a list to receive the payments.


Belanger says an appeals mechanism has been set up for those elders and families that may have been missed.


He is hoping to see the first cheques go out in the next three to six weeks.