Metis Eager For Action From Tory Government

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 at 15:41



A man who has helped lead the fight for compensation for Ile-a-la-Crosse boarding school survivors is optimistic the Tories will follow through on commitments they made to the Metis just prior to the election — now that they’ve secured a larger minority government.


Don Favel notes a protocol signed between Ottawa and the Metis National Council commits the Conservatives to help resolve the boarding school issue.


However, Favel admits there isn’t any mention of a timeframe in the language of the deal — and he hopes to see that changed.


He notes federal Metis interlocutor Chuck Strahl was re-elected, which he feels is a good development as long as he isn’t removed from those cabinet duties.


Favel also says the Metis cause is supported by the Opposition parties.