Metis Citizens Call For National Registry
Thursday, May 03, 2007 at 15:16
A group of Metis citizens in the Christopher Lake area is pushing for the creation of a national Metis voters registry.
Bryan Lee of Metis Local 108 says the move would allow Metis citizens to elect their leaders with less confusion at the ballot box.
Lee says the move would also give metis voters more credibility each time they head to the polls to elect a new leader.
Lee argues Metis are often forced to prove their ethnicity each time at the polls, and this situation has to change.
Lee says the membership cards would be good for a lifetime and recognized anywhere in North America.
He adds part of his idea was sparked by recommendations in the Maria Campbell report.
His group has already written letters to Metis presidents in four provinces and the Metis National Council asking for support.
He plans to formally introduce the idea as soon as the Metis Nation of Saskatchewan begins functioning again.
Lee says his local will hold another meeting on the idea on May 9th.