Mercredi In Fort Carlton For National Treaty Event

Monday, July 23, 2007 at 14:32



A national treaty gathering got started today in Fort Carlton with an elders forum.


Chiefs from across the country begin their four-day discussions tomorrow.


The National Indian Treaties 1 to 11 Gathering is being co-hosted by the Prince Albert Grand Council and Saskatoon Tribal Council.


Former Assembly of First Nations national chief Ovide Mercredi is on hand in his role as National Treaty Spokesperson.


Mercredi says he hopes those in attendance will come to a consensus on how to “collectively attack the territorial legitimacy of the State of Canada” — whether by legal action or through international efforts.


He says government rules and boundaries are infringing on the rights of First Nations people and their treaties.


Mercredi prefers negotiation to blockades, but adds First Nations will need to devise better strategies if they want to bend the government’s ear.