McCallum Elected Chief Of Peter Ballantyne

Friday, April 13, 2007 at 15:47



Saskatchewan’s largest First Nation has a new chief.


According to unofficial results from yesterday’s Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation election, band members have decided to put Darrell “Boots” McCallum in charge.


McCallum has often been the bridesmaid in previous band elections, but he was able to defeat incumbent Harold Linklater and fellow challenger Ted J. Merasty this time around.


The band has not released any vote totals, but sources say McCallum won in a landslide.


The PBCN band council consists of Arthur Dorion, Brian McCallum, Stanley J. Merasty, Darwin Morin and Tommy Sewap in Pelican Narrows; Clayton Morin and Darrin Morin in Southend; Cornelius Ballantyne and Peter A. Beatty in Deschambault Lake; David Caribou and Roland Nataweyes in Sandy Bay; Clayton Sewap in Denare Beach; Gertie Budd in Sturgeon Landing; and George A. Michel in Prince Albert.