Man Seeks Investors For Carbon Trading Project

Friday, September 11, 2009 at 12:16



A northern First Nations man says he’s hoping to help lead Saskatchewan bands into the environmental future.


Donald Morin of the Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation is trying to start a carbon emission trading company.


On Tuesday, he’ll pitch his idea to investors at the Innovation Saskatchewan Forum in Saskatoon.


He and a select group of others are being given three minutes to sway investors into backing their idea.


Morin says his plan involves helping First Nations count the number of trees on their reserves.


He says the bands could then label those trees as carbon sequestration units, and sell them on the Montreal Climate Exchange.


“What I want to do at this time is work with First Nations that have opportunity, that have forested lands, and then turn around and working as an aggregator, sell those carbon credits on the open market,” Morin explains.


He says 48 trees equal one carbon credit.


He adds it won’t be long before companies all over the world will be trying to buy carbon credits to off-set their pollution.