LLRIB To Get Long-Awaited Water Hook-Up

Monday, September 17, 2007 at 15:57



A new water system is coming to four Lac La Ronge Indian Band subdivisions in the La Ronge area.


Various levels of government have informed local leaders they will provide $9.2 million to construct a regional water system.


The new hookup is intended to benefit the municipalities of La Ronge and Air Ronge, as well.


A seven-member public board with representation from each jurisdiction will be struck to oversee the process.


LLRIB Chief Tammy Cook-Searson says treated pipeline water will now become a reality for Morin’s Hill, Jackpine 101, Big Rocks and Little Rocks.


Up to this point, those communities have been forced to haul their water in with trucks.


She adds construction is scheduled to begin in the spring.


Cook-Searson also says steps will be taken to make sure no one loses their job once the switch is made.


The project is being funded by Indian Affairs, Western Economic Diversification and the provincial government.