Lawyer Requests Suicide Watch For Alleged Predator

Friday, October 31, 2008 at 15:10



A Prince Albert lawyer says she believes a man charged with six sexual assaults on the Mistawasis reserve may be suffering from psychological problems.


Val Harvey appeared in Prince Albert Provincial Court this morning on behalf of 25-year-old Devon Shane Brandon.


He faces allegations of sexually assaulting children under the age of 14.


Today in court, documents revealed the first complaint was received on April 30th.


Harvey told the judge she was not opposed to Brandon’s incarceration while he waits for a bail hearing — but she did ask the judge to order Brandon be placed on a suicide watch.


Crown prosecutor John Morrell says Brandon’s case is not tied to reports this summer of a white van prowling reserves looking for children.


Morrell adds he is proceeding by indictment against Brandon.


Brandon’s next hearing is set for Wednesday.