Lafaver Trial Adjourned Until January

Wednesday, November 26, 2008 at 14:56



The Crown has wrapped up its case in the trial of a 68-year-old man accused of killing a Montreal Lake band member at a fire tower cabin 33 years ago.


The last witness to take the stand was Gloria Merasty, a friend to the man charged — William George Lafaver.


Merasty testified she went to the Lafaver’s home shortly he turned himself in to the RCMP earlier this year.


She said she thought he was leaving for a trip because he had a bag packed.


Merasty said Lafaver told her he hit a woman a long time ago that she passed away a couple of days later.


Under cross-examination, the defence asked Merasty what she knew about Lafaver’s financial situation and mental state of health.


She told the court he was in jeopardy of being evicted due to late payments and seemed to have a gambling addiction.


She said he didn’t seem to be himself and had told the authorities: “I think he’s losing it”.


With that, the prosecution rested its case.


The trial will now rest until January 5th, when the defence will begin its case.


Defence lawyer Peter Burns says the entire affair has been stressful for his client, but he will try and prove to the court Lafaver is not guilty of causing Caroline Roberts’ death.


Burns also doesn’t want people jumping to conclusions about the evidence that has been heard so far.


He adds the question of why Lafaver came forward to the RCMP about Roberts’ death will be answered when the trial resumes.