Lafaver Breaks Silence

Thursday, January 08, 2009 at 14:44



A 68-year-old man charged with the manslaughter of a Montreal Lake woman spoke to reporters yesterday.


It was the first words William Lafaver uttered ever since his trial began late last year.


Lafaver is accused of causing the death of 27-year-old Caroline Roberts at a cabin in Prince Albert National Park in 1975.


Lafaver says he says he has trouble remembering exactly what happened the night in question.


But he does say that the two were drinking and “one thing led to another”.


The defence has said there is not enough evidence for Lafaver to be convicted of manslaughter — but is open to a lesser conviction of assault.


His lawyer points to discrepancies in medical reports, statements by a pathologist and the long passage of time as barriers to understanding what occurred.


However, the prosecution has pointed to Lafaver’s own words that he hit Roberts the night in question, as well as the medical evidence, as grounds for his conviction.


Closing arguments were delivered yesterday.


Judge Hugh Harradence will render his decision on February 20th.