Lack Of Funding Forces Postponement of MNLA
Tuesday, March 08, 2005 at 14:56
The Metis Nation Legislative Assembly that was supposed to take place in Yorkton this weekend has been postponed.
Metis Nation of Saskatchewan President Dwayne Roth says the organization can’t go ahead with the event without funding in place.
Roth was hopeful the province would supply at least $80-thousand in funding for the gathering.
He had even dangled the carrot of promising to propose a new MNS election for this fall at the assembly.
But he says the MNS and the province continue to disagree about how that election should be held.
As a result, Roth says the two sides have simply run out of time to negotiate an agreement in time for this weekend.
Roth says he’s still hopeful the two sides will be able to work out an arrangement that will see the province fund the upcoming MNLA, which has now been re-scheduled to next month.