Lac La Ronge Indian Band Sued by Taxi Company
Thursday, July 08, 2004 at 13:44
The lawyer for a La Ronge taxi company that’s suing the Lac La Ronge Indian Band says they had no choice but to sue the band.
Northland Taxi is suing both the band and Health Canada for what it claims are unpaid bills for medical transportation.
The cab company is seeking over 166-thousand dollars.
Until recently, Northland Taxi supplied all of the medical transportation for band members to southern centres.
Company lawyer Stanley Loewen says the two sides were able to settle some of their differences in a couple of face-to-face meetings.
But, he says there’s a fundamental difference of opinion on whether certain medical trips the company supplied to band members actually qualify for reimbursement under federal guidelines.
Lac La Ronge Indian Band chief Harry Cook has not been immediately available for comment.